
Coffee the Commodity
Did you know that Arabica coffee is traded in New York at the Intercontinental Exchange – the ICE; and that our prices are directly related to the price at which coffee is traded on the exchange?

Enhance Your Diet with Nuts
A handful of nuts a day is the perfect way to keep your body fit and healthy. Full of energy and protein, nuts are a great afternoon snack to keep you going strong.

What is Falafel?
Falafel is a deep fried patty made from a blended paste of fava beans and chickpeas flavored with an assortment of select spices.

Fool Muddamas: An Interesting Dish With An Interesting Name
Fool muddamas is a Middle Eastern dish made up of lightly mashed fava beans with onion, olive oil, parsley and lemon juice.

Turkish Coffee: It’s Not Just Coffee, It’s A Way Of Life!
In Turkey you don’t just ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ as the rest of the world does.

History Of Coffee Part One
There are several legends concerning the origins of coffee but they all seem to include Kaldi, an Ethiopian goat herder who was seen in a meadow dancing with his goats by an imam from a nearby monastery.